Thursday, July 12, 2012

Published at 17

Production for Take the Breath Out of Me is set to begin September 1. Tate Publishing has a specific and complete process, which means I can confidently say to you that this thrilling novel will be available as early as May-June of 2013. It will be released to all major cosigners, online, and I will be hosting book signings over much of the southern United States. I will keep you all updated!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Signed and Sealed

It is official! Take the Breath Out of Me is now a signed, in-production manuscript with Tate Publishing. By the power of their marketing department's faith in the novel and eagerness to get it done, part of the down payment and all extra marketing fees normally left to the author (me) to cover (nearly 4 thousand dollars total!) will be paid by the company in order for TTBOOM to be in production by mid-June. 

Dr. Richard Tate said simply "I need you,  I need this book, send me whatever funds you have now, we'll pay half, and you can pay the rest later." 

Long and amazing story short, the marketing department is already wrist deep in TTBOOM, and I have sent in half of my required fees and have the next few months to send in the balance, which, thanks to my parents and my apprenticeship with a marketing magazine, won't be a problem. The process of production is normally 6 months long, however nothing has been normal about this yet, so why start now? ;) TTBOOM might be out in time for Christmas! (Here's praying, because that would be the best present under Christ Himself!)

 I am on cloud nine and plan to stay here as I continue to write, submit, and publish many more novels.

Thank you all for your support - I look forward to sharing more good news as His Grace and this process continues to unfold.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

                  *Que the Hallelujah Chorus*

I just received a Tate Publishing contract for my novel, Take the Breath Out of Me. All Glory to God! Some things still need to be worked out but by His Grace I know that soon, 'TTBOOM' will have the ability to grace your bookshelf, or library, or E-reader. ;) 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Click the Covers!

The covers for Waterbound, MXC, the Protectors, Take the Breath Out of Me, and Lifestone, when clicked, will take you to various ULRs, such as first chapters, facebook pages, photos, and so on. (Most of which can also be reached by clicking the CAPS letters beneath the blog title.)

Monday, February 13, 2012

First Wrinkle in the Paper

     It is with mixed and muddled emotions that I announce that "DAW Publishers" has politely rejected Take the Breath Out of Me for publication. A hand written note from the editor himself explained "You have VERY nice writing, but we have an 80k word minimum." (And unfortunately, Take the Breath Out of Me is only 69K.)
    The uplifting and assuring note was a nice sugarcoat to the bitterness of perceived, partial failure, and upon further musing I came to realize that the word count had been stated from the page right after the prologue, meaning he went into it knowing it could not be published, but liked it enough to continue reading. Yet his personal opinion could not outweigh their policy...
    Fear not though! 
  I have submitted it again, this time to another family owned, mainstream publisher, TATE PUBLISHING and I will have word back no later than March 30th.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I'm waiting for word back on DAW Publishers' opinion (and possible publication) on Take The Breath Out of Me. I sent it in Jan. 13th, and should hear from them no later than May of this year. The prologue and first chapter, as well as sketches of the characters and cover, can be seen here: TTBOOM. It is a very easy read, great for "E Books" and single settings. Some reader discretion is needed due to drug references within the novel.

As for "THE PROTECTORS" I am nearly done editing, then it will be evaluated by a few choice people, re-edited for any grammatical errors, and finally sent in for publishing after I hear back about Take the Breath Out of Me. It's prologue, first chapters, and drawings can be seen here: THE PROTECTORS. It is a YA Sci-fi novel with more surprises than your Tax Returns. ;)

And last but most certainly not least, the Waterbound Epic is well under way. I have written all of part one of the first book "Waterbound" (aka, 90k words) and will begin parts 2 and 3 by this summer. The second novel in the series, Stronghold, I hope to begin writing no later than Dec 2013. It will be followed by Lifestone and Ancients.
I've also got ideas for another novel, "Faceless." It is nothing more than a rough draft cover and an unnamed character, but hey, that's how all the other ones started! 

I am deciding on which direction to take, trouble teen looking for an identity, or troubled teen without an identity. (Either way, the message will be the same, but it is a question of "how sci-fi do I want to go"...)

I want to thank you for your interest in my novels, and let you know if you are one of the first 50 to "follow" this blog, and share it with your 'peeps',  you can expect signed copies, interview privileges, press release passes, and all that good stuff, when I go big ;) .

~ Arial Alexis

If you have any questions, requests for more material, or comments, please post them to the blog or email me at :